Static Website Design Company in Jaipur, India
In the times where the real world is timid in front of the vast Web World, it has become mandatory for everyone to have a commanding and efficient web presence. There are various types of establishments all over the globe and there are seemingly few design types that can be used. But all the basic and small companies can be clustered into a common design type with minor variations. The websites or WebPages with simple design and modest details are created using static web designs. The upcoming and surfacing companies opt for this type of website. The graphics are simpler and the usage is informative.Rutecho has a core team of professional web designers who work on the highly efficient and complex codes to make your website work efficiently and seamlessly.
We recommend static website design for those businesses whose requirements are steady and no need of frequent changes on website. Static websites loads faster compare to other CMS based website because it has limited resources and files. It is best option for create your business presence online. Our website designing team helps to thrive a wonderful static website for your business. You can also promote your staic website with best SEO solutions and make it easier to find online.

What will you get with Static Website Designing?
- Perfect designing of all web pages
- Home Page, Company Profile Pages, Products/Services Pages
- Contact us Page with Inquiry from in Static website
- Responsive Design for static website
- Search Engine Friendly Website Structure
- Fast Downloading Resources (CSS, JS and Images of website)
- Inquiry form connects with mail id
- Attractive home page animated banners using Jquery(Fast Loading)
- Multiple webpage design for inner pages or products pages
- Brochure / Catalog download gallery